
ISMETA Logos for Registered Professional Members

Credentials and Logo use for Professional Members
and Associate Organizations

We encourage Professional Members and Associate Organizations to use their credentials of RSME, RSMT, RSME/T, RSDE, ASMP, MSME, MSMT, MSME/T, APO after their name wherever possible; when speaking, in print and/or digitally on websites.

The ISMETA Logo can be used in print or in digital applications.

We ask that when using the logos, you hyperlink to the ISMETA homepage www.ISMETA.org.
Please note these Logos are dated and will need to be updated yearly on your materials.

Along with the Logo, we ask that you include the following language wherever possible:

As a Professional Member of the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association, I meet the high Standards of Practice and uphold the Code of Ethics. For more information visit www.ISMETA.org

Please remember to keep your membership up to date and remove the credentials or Logo from all materials if you choose to no longer maintain your RSME, RSMT, RSME/T, RSDE, ASMP, MSME, MSMT, MSME/T or Associate Organization credentials. 

Click on an image with your cursor and it will open a page with the image; you can then save the image (right click on your mouse or press ctrl then select 'save image as' and choose your location to download the image to; you may also be able to 'drag and drop' it to your computer screen (depending on your device). To download the PDF version, click on the PDF text link below the image. (Note you must be logged into your account to view and download logos below.)

The following content is accessible for members only, please sign in.