

Embodying-cellular-consciousness 1

Embodying Cellular Consciousness through Touch and Movement: A Body-Mind Centering ® Approach

With Bonnie Bainbridge-Cohen

Embodiment is the awareness of the cells of themselves. It is a direct experience. There are no intermediate steps or translations. There is no guide. There is no witness. There is the fully known consciousness of the experienced moment initiated from the cells themselves. In this instance, the brain is the last to know. There is complete knowing. There is peaceful comprehension. Out of this embodiment process emerges feeling, sensing, thinking, witnessing, understanding, compassion. The source of this process is free; it is love.

This video is a clip from a 2-day workshop that Bonnie taught in February, 2017, in San Diego, California. In this interdisciplinary workshop, you are invited to share the commonality, yet uniqueness, of your explorations of embodying cellular consciousness through touch and movement. This clip focuses on embodying your embryological development, and how doing so, can support your consciousness and the body you have today.

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Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen

Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen is a movement artist, researcher, educator, therapist and developer of the Body-Mind Centering® approach to movement and consciousness. Body-Mind Centering® is an exploration of how we embody our body systems, tissues and cells as well as our developmental movement patterns and embryological development. In 1973 she founded The School for Body-Mind Centering®. She is also one of the founders of ISMETA. Her work has influenced the fields of dance, bodywork, yoga, body psychotherapy, infant and child development and many other body-mind disciplines. She is the author of the books, Sensing, Feeling, and Action, Basic Neurocellular Patterns: Exploring Developmental Movement, and The Mechanics of Vocal Expression, as well as numerous videos on embodied anatomy, cellular consciousness, dance, embryology, and working with children with special needs. For more information about her books and videos, including the full length version of this video, please visit bonniebainbridgecohen.com 




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