The Breathable Body - A Somatic Movement Approach to Breathing
With Robert Litman
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This free session will offer a glimpse into Robert Litman’s upcoming 3-class series, which is based on his new book, The Breathable Body – as featured on OprahDaily.com! Through a guided Continuum exploration that draws on the anatomy and physiology of breathing, you may tune in deeply to your inner landscape and begin to learn how you can use an enhanced awareness of breathing in your work with clients to open new possibilities for wellness. There will be an opportunity for Questions and Answers as well.
Live participation is encouraged. However, if you are unable to attend on that date, the recording will be available as long as you register in advance.
The full course will run for 3 Saturdays:
- June 1, June 15, and June 29, from 10 am – 12 pm Eastern Time
- Registration deadline: May 27, 2024
Robert Litman
Hay House Publishing recently published Robert Litman's first book: The Breathable Body - Transforming Your World and Your Life One Breath at a Time, and it was featured for a month on OprahDaily.com.
For more than 35 years, Robert Litman has guided artists, musicians, health professionals, athletes, activists, people with health challenges, retirees, and those interested in allowing breath to be a doorway to consciousness into their personal and spiritual growth by restoring healthy breathing rhythms, structural alignment, and coherent/coordinated movement. He co-developed the Wellsprings Practitioner Program with Emilie Conrad, founder of Continuum Movement®, and co-taught with her for 18 years.
Robert Litman is a Registered Somatic Movement Educator and has been a faculty member and head of the Departments of Anatomy and Physiology and Movement Education at the Desert Institute of the Healing Arts Massage School in Tucson. He is a registered educator and trainer of the Buteyko Breathing Educators Association and is certified in the Duggan/French Approach to Somatic Pattern Recognition. Robert was a preceptor at the University of Arizona School of Integrative Medicine, teaching The Breathable Body to visiting doctors for Dr. Andrew Weil. He has a Graduate Certification as a Breathing Behavior Analyst at The Graduate School of Behavioral Breathing and Health Sciences, in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
He lives on Vashon Island, Washington, and offers private sessions and classes in movement and breathing, locally and worldwide. His YouTube video "The Relationship Between Breathing and Anxiety" has 163,000 views. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhEEtWNbLJ4&t=1777s
For more information, contact Robert Litman • The Breathable Body • thebreathablebody.com