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Singing Dragon/Handspring Publishing
ISMETA Authors
Singing Dragon/Handspring Publishing
Singing Dragon/Handspring Publishing specializes in professional-level books for movement therapists, massage therapists, osteopaths, physiotherapists, yoga teachers and other professionals who use movement or touch to help patients achieve wellness.
In partnership with Singing Dragon/Handspring Publishing, we are offering discounts for all their published books. The following books are a few we think ISMETA Members might be interested in. You can see the full list of Singing Dragon/Handspring's publications on their website and use the ISMETA MEMBER DISCOUNT CODE at checkout.
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Author: Beliz Demircioğlu
This book explores the process of improvisation and outlines the ideal conditions for an inspirational creative state. Examining her own process as an artist and drawing on interviews with peers, the author considers how the forces of shaping (intellect-driven decisions) and letting-go (more intuitive moves) interact in improvisation.
The book follows the journey of seven performing arts graduates and undergraduates, examining their experiences of improvisation and the interplay of shaping and letting-go. It reveals how the approach and methods of expressive arts can enrich an improviser's experience and spur the desire for discovery.
$35.00 USD
ISMETA Member Price: $28.00

The Fluid Nature of Being is a collection of writings by practitioners of Integrative Bodywork & Movement Therapy (IBMT), an approach to somatic movement education and therapy. The cultivation of consciously embodied movement is at the heart of somatic movement practice. Through embodiment practices, soma – the subjectively experienced sense of embodied self – becomes a vital, living reality and a foundation through which healthy relationship to others, to Nature, and to life as a whole can be nourished.
The book describes the practice, thinking, research and creative work of twenty-one IBMT practitioners. Each has also trained in other disciplines and their writing weaves together their broader learning, passion and professional practice within the IBMT approach to somatic work. In this volume we offer a collection of expressions with a rich diversity of themes and styles, bringing these voices from the next generation of somatic movement practitioners, writers and leaders to a wider audience.
The book covers topics such as IBMT in therapy, education, early years learning, dance and theatre; the integration with psychotherapy, psychoanalytic thinking, and somatic trauma therapy; and the connection between individual healing and the healing of the Earth and Nature during this time of planetary crisis.
There are many aspects of IBMT practice described in this book that are shared with somatic practices in general, though there are also aspects which are specific to this approach. IBMT uniquely integrates in-depth studies in Somatic Psychology and the Discipline of Authentic Movement into a foundation of Body-Mind Centering® training. At the core of the practice is the quest to deepen connection with self, and from there, connection with others and the world around us.
$45.00 USD / £34.95 GBP
Free delivery in the UK and USA. EU customers please note you may be charged tax and customs clearance fees. Unfortunately, this is outwith our control.
ISMETA member price: $36.00 USD / £27.96 GBP

Dynamic Embodiment of the Sun Salutation℠
Pathways to Balancing the Chakras and the Neuroendocrine System
Authors: Martha EDDY and Shakti Andrea SMITH
Dynamic Embodiment of the Sun SalutationSM: Pathways to Balancing the Chakras and the Neuroendocrine System guides you to do the Sun Salutation with more ease by integrating awareness of glandular and chakral embodiment cues and neuro-developmental movement. Everything in this book can be applied to your personal practice and overall health, or to teaching others. It offers a soft, organic yet powerful approach to being in the poses and transitioning between them. What you will learn is effective and surprising. There is tangible mystery in accessing this ability, which we all have, to embody the endocrine system and the related energy fields.
By working with the endocrine system and their correlations with the chakras we are grounding the subtle within the physical body. Learn about the dynamic combination of the specific electrical and systemic circulatory nature of the neuroendocrine system. Discover how the anatomical placement of the glands and the spatial tensions (or tensegrity) surrounding them are the natural bridge to activating the energy needed for a fulfilling life.
One access route to these dynamic stimuli is through Body Mind Centering®’s developmental approach, conveyed through the lens of Dynamic Embodiment by Licensed BMC® teacher, Dr Marth Eddy, and Yoga and Energywork teacher, Shakti Smith. This includes an understanding of careful skeletal positioning, brain-activating movement and hormonal balancing, as well as integrating broader social somatic context, such as the impact of lifestyle, cultural and intergenerational influences.
In an age when, most likely, at least one person you know is struggling with thyroid, adrenal or reproductive glandular imbalance, this book will provide information on the physical, emotional and spiritual impact of attuning with the glands and early childhood development imprints while practicing the Sun Salutation. It includes clues for what to do when yoga or endocrine work brings on chaos – from trauma triggers, kundalini overwelm, to basic life confusion. It gives you tools to help ground yourself and others, and to take centered action in a dynamic world.
$45.00 USD / £32.50 GBP
ISMETA member price: $36.00 USD / £26.00 GBP

The Feldenkrais Method®
Learning Through Movement
Authors: Staffan ELGELID and Chrish KRESGE
This book brings the Feldenkrais Method® and the concept of Somatic Education to a wide audience. As well as providing an introduction to the Feldenkrais Method® and its applications, a team of highly qualified contributors, representing a variety of therapeutic professions, explore how the Feldenkrais Method® interacts with and supports other professions and modalities, including Pilates, yoga, dance, physical therapy, sports coaching, rehabilitation medicine, and more. (See the table of contents for full details.)
Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984), the founder of the Feldenkrais Method®, built his Method around the concept of improving human functioning by increasing self-awareness through movement. The concept of neuroplasticity – the brain’s amazing capacity to change and adapt – was one of Feldenkrais’ basic tenets of how the brain organizes movement and is now in our daily lexicon. Pain, illness and injuries all affect how our nervous system and brain react to events in us and around us. Feldenkrais’ thesis is that our nervous system always does the best it can with the information it has and learning through the nervous system is the theme that runs through this book.
Coverage includes: Comparisons about similarities as well as differences between the different modalities. Theory and practice of how the Feldenkrais Method® can be applied in a variety of specific settings. Coverage of the research base that supports evidence-informed practices for clients. Online video of theory and practice accessed by QR codes throughout the book.
Contributors to The Feldenkrais Method®: Dorit Aharonov, Eilat Almagor, Ruthy Alon, Anat Baniel, Stacy Barrows, Deborah Bowes, Lisa Burrell, Karol Connors, Andrew Gibbons, Marina Gilman, Larry Goldfarb, Jeff Haller, Susan Hillier, Thomas Kampe, Paul Pui Wo Lee, Moti Nativ, Dwight Pargee, Lavinia Plonka, Donna Ray, Elinor Silverstein, Cliff Smyth, Linda Tellington-Jones, Matthew Zepelin
$45.00 USD / £33.00 GBP
Free delivery in the UK and USA. EU customers please note you may be charged tax and customs clearance fees. Unfortunately, this is outwith our control.
ISMETA member price: $36.00 USD / £26.40 GBP

Author: Penelope EASTEN
The Alexander Technique
Twelve fundamentals of integrated movement
In this comprehensive text and manual on The Alexander Technique, Penelope Easten offers a broad, new theoretical framework of how integrated movement occurs, including ideas from recent science and practical explorations. The explorations are simple techniques that build on one another, to enable practitioners both to look after themselves in life and practice, and for use with clients to help them understand and integrate what Alexander Technique offers them.
The book emerges out of lessons taken by Penelope Easten between 1990 and 1994 with Miss Goldie, who worked alongside Alexander for thirty years and was closest to him. It presents a new interpretation of how Alexander developed the technique, and what happened next. Taking an evolutionary theme, Penelope Easten considers what movement capacity we have lost in Western culture and how we can re-access it by reawakening older, more balanced movement patterns. The twelve fundamentals of integrated movement described are all practical: biomechanics is one structural fundamental, while many others are aspects of perception and thinking. These are much more part of movement than is mostly realized, because optimal movement is organized around our awareness, focus and goals.
$62.00 USD / £45.00 GBP
Free delivery in the UK and USA. EU customers please note you may be charged tax and customs clearance fees. Unfortunately, this is outwith our control.
ISMETA member price: $49.60 USD / £36.00 GBP

Author: Mark Taylor
Somatic Movement Education allows efficient movement patterns to replace inefficient ones, resulting in ease of movement, more functional postural alignment, and the creation of space for the healing response of cellular and tissue reorganization.
This book provides clear experiential guidance for embodiment of the skeletal system, through movement facilitation, hands-on facilitation, and movement meditations, supported by essential anatomical information and illustrations.
Intended as a guide for movement practitioners, educators, and therapists in many disciplines and by anyone interested in mindful movement, the book addresses the healthy embodiment of each bone and joint in the body as well as techniques for bringing awareness to the skeletal system as a whole.
$35.00 USD / £28.00 GBP – publishing December 2018, now available for pre-order
ISMETA members price:
$28.00 USD / £22.40 GBP
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