


Join us for live, interactive sessions to "tour" ISMETA's various resources for individual and organizational members. You will learn which membership track best serves your needs, and various ways in which you can participate in our professional community. These events are designed specifically for students and practitioners of Somatic Movement who are looking to become members of ISMETA. They are hosted by ISMETA’s Board of Directors and offered twice on the same day to cater to the many regions of practitioners globally. Welcome to the professional home for Somatic Movement Educators and Therapists! Watch the introductory video and register for our next sessions below.

Sunday, February 9th at 12PM ET

Sunday, February 9th at 8pm ET

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Earth Matters 2.0: Ecosomatics in the Anthropocene
with Jamie McHugh,MSMT

Conversations to inspire embodied action in the face of planetary dysregulation

February 20, 2025
10-11:15am PT / 1-2:15pm ET/19-20:15 CET
Guest: Jody Bolluyt, Organic Farmerand Co-Owner, Roxbury Farm CSA
45 minutes of conversation followed by 30 minutes of audience dialogue.



Ripening, photo Jamie McHugh
Conversations to inspire embodied action in the face of planetary dysregulation
Sponsored by the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association (ISMETA)

It goes without saying: Earth matters! Without a viable planet, there is no living soma. This fundamental truth in the face of Earth disruptions is the ground for our conversations. These interactive roundtables are designed to connect the ISMETA community with artists, activists, scientists, agriculturalists, philosophers, and many others dedicated to the preservation of life on Earth.

Episode #1 - January 16, 2025: 10-11:15am PT/ 1-2:15pm ET/ 6-7:15pm GMT
In conversation with Linda Hartley, MSMT

Book: Embodied Spirit, Conscious Earth by Linda Hartley Published by Triarchy Press, 2024
Available with a discount for ISMETA members in the online Bookstore. Log in and scroll down for details.

Linda's links from our conversation:
https://lindahartley.co.uk/https://ibmt.co.uk/ • https://www.earthrising.onehttps://gaiamandala.net • https://www.treesisters.org

"Active hope is a practice. Like T'ai Chi or gardening, it is something we do rather than have. It is a process we can apply to any situation, and it involves three key steps. First, we take a clear view of reality; second, we identify what we hope for in terms of the direction we’d like things to move in or the values we’d like to see expressed; and third, we take steps to move ourselves or our situation in that direction. Since active hope doesn’t require our optimism, we can apply it even in areas where we feel hopeless. The guiding impetus is intention; we choose what we aim to bring about, act for, or express. Rather than weighing our chances and proceeding only when we feel hopeful, we focus on our intention and let it be our guide." - Joanna Macy

ISMETA Newsletter Email List • Jamie McHugh Newsletter & Email List • Earth Matters 2.0 Episode #1 on YouTube

Earth Matters: Ecosomatics in the Anthropocene with Jamie McHugh, MSMT
Review, Recycle and Renew Community Meeting
October 24, 2024   10-11am PT/ 1-2pm ET/ 7-8pm CET
Any questions? Contact Jamie McHugh - somaticxpress@proton.me

Episode #6 - April 18, 2024: 10am PT/1pm ET/ 19:00 CET
In conversation with: Nature Educator Taira Restar https://www.emeraldheartkids.com/
and Ensoulment Coach and Dance Educator Cynthia Winton-Henry https://cynthiawinton-henry.com/

Episode #5 - March 21, 2024 at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET/ 7 PM CET
In conversation with Stefanie Cohen, RSMT Somatic Practitioner & Interdisciplinary Artist https://www.somastories.net/ and LaUra Schmidt, Founding Director & Facilitator, Good Grief Network https://www.goodgriefnetwork.org/

Episode #4 - January 18, 2024: 10am PT/1pm ET/19:00 CET
In conversation with Paula Josa-Jones, MSME/T Dance-maker and Equine Therapist https://www.paulajosajones.org/  and Victoria Moyer, Ecosomatic Researcher https://bodymettaspore.com/

Episode #3 - Solstice, December 21, 2023: 10am PT/1pm ET/ 19:00 CET
In conversation with: Dancer/BMC Teacher Olive Bieringa, RSME/T and Archeologist/Artist Michael Jasmin

Episode #2 - Thursday, November 30 - 10am PT/1pm ET/19:00 CET
In conversation with ecosomatic pioneer Nala Walla, followed by a half hour open conversation with online participants.

Episode #1 - Indigenous Peoples Day, Monday, October 9th – 9am PT, 12pm ET, 6pm CET
First conversation with guests Martha Eddy, MSME/T and Satu Palokangas, MSME/T

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Monday, October 14th, 12-1pm Eastern time

ISMETA Master Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist Dr. Amber E. Gray facilitates a moving meditation to acknowledge and honor Indigenous Peoples Day.  In this hour-long session Amber offers a gently guided heartful moving practice to connect us to the earth as place and as human story. Dress comfortably for movement, and please join from an environment where you can sense your connection to the earth. If you are indoors, you’re welcome to have a piece of music you love moving to cued up to play during the movement portion. Donations to one of the following organizations are welcome and very encouraged:
Tewa Women United
4KINSHIP Indigenous Futures
Both organizations do incredible, ethical, life-changing work with Indigenous communities, and Amber knows their work firsthand. She serves on the board of Tewa Women United and is a friend of Amy Denet Deal, the designer and inspirer who created the 4Kinship brand and who tirelessly commits all her creativity and work to the Indigenous Futures fund.

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Geographies of Us: Ecosomatic Essays and Practice Pages with Editors Sondra Fraleigh and Shannon Rose Riley
APRIL 22nd, 12pm ET
Geographies of Us is the first edited collection in the field of ecosomatics. With a combination of essays and practice pages that provide a variety of scholarly, creative and experience-based approaches, the book brings together established and emergent scholars and artists from diverse backgrounds and covers work rooted in a dozen countries. The essays engage crucial methodologies and critical/theoretical perspectives, including practice-based research in the arts, especially in performance and dance studies, critical theory, ecocriticism, Indigenous knowledges, material feminist critique, quantum field theory and new phenomenologies. Practice pages are shorter chapters providing readers a chance to engage creatively with the ideas presented across the collection. This book offers a multidisciplinary perspective that brings together work in performance as research, phenomenology and dance/movement; this is one of its significant contributions to the area of ecosomatics.

AVAILABLE IN THE ISMETA ONLINE BOOKSTORE! (Log in and go to the Bookstore)

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BILINGUAL BOOK TALK (SPANISH AND ENGLISH) - A book for everyone who has a body!
with author and ISMETA Board Member Bibiana Badenes
June 7th, 12-1pm ET

Inteligencia Corporal: descubre el poder del movimiento consciente. El programa de inteligencia corporal que presenta Bibiana Badenes abarca una amplia variedad de prácticas que fomentan la consciencia somática y la alineación, con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad del movimiento tanto físico como emocional. Se trata de un sistema de desarrollo corporal activo, fácil y transformador, que se inspira en los fundamentos de la fisioterapia, el método Rolfing Movimiento, la anatomía experiencial, el coaching, el movimiento somático y la danza. Con 50 ilustraciones originales y 75 ejercicios somáticos para tu practica diaria.

Body Intelligence: Discover the Power of Conscious Movement. The body intelligence program presented by Bibiana Badenes encompasses a wide variety of practices that promote somatic awareness and alignment, aiming to improve the quality of both physical and emotional movement. It is an active, easy, and transformative system of body development inspired by the principles of physiotherapy, the Rolf Movement method, experiential anatomy, coaching, somatic movement, and dance. The book includes 50 original illustrations and 75 specific somatic exercises for your daily practice.

smallEmbodied Activism Front Cover - High Resolution
Friday, May 26th at 12pm
Eastern U.S. time
Hosted by the Equity, Justice and Accessibility Committee
How do ordinary people with busy lives leverage our actions in support of liberation, justice, and authentic connection? How can activists and social change-makers avoid burning out? How does the body factor into what our social movements might miss? Instead of thinking about social justice as a process that starts with changing people's minds, embodied activism asks us to understand our bodies—how we feel in them and relate to others through them—as crucial sites of social transformation. Drawing on the somatic arts, trauma-informed psychology, and anti-oppressive movements, embodied activism helps us explore and transform the political realities of our everyday lives in a new way: by harnessing the felt experience of our bodies as the sites of our activism. In this community conversation, author Rae Johnson will discuss how we can listen to our body language, question body image norms, and reconnect to our sensual capacities in service of social change. Join Rae in a discussion about their latest book and learn perspectives for transforming an unjust world, one body at a time.
RAE JOHNSON, PhD, RSW, RSMT, BCC is a social worker, somatic movement therapist, and scholar/activist working at the intersections of embodiment and social justice. Rae's approach to embodied activism has been shaped by decades of frontline work with street youth, women in addiction recovery, psychiatric survivors, and members of the queer community. Since completing their doctoral studies, Rae has held academic positions in several somatic psychology graduate programs, including at Naropa University and Pacifica Graduate Institute. They currently teach somatic psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies and co-direct an online certificate program in embodied social justice.