ISMETA Members now have more ways to SPREAD THE NEWS!
Our monthly E-newsletter is focused on ISMETA news, events and courses sponsored by ISMETA. While we will feature some "newsworthy" member content, all member events, classes, workshops and trainings should be posted to the Somatic Movement Events Calendar
Post Events to the Somatic Movement Events Calendar
We encourage all ISMETA Members (except Associate Members and Students) to post their events (including classes, workshops and trainings) to our Somatic Movement Events Calendar. (Find "how to" instructions on the Member Portal)
Submit Newsworthy content to the monthly E-Newsletter
Eligible ISMETA members (Registered Professional Members, Approved Training Programs, Professional Membership Organizations and Associate Organizations) can send us "newsworthy" items such as book launches, journal article publication, receiving an award, program relocation, a new Approved Training Program or Affiliated Professional Organization joining ISMETA, Call for Conference Proposals, Call for Journal Submissions, or other items (besides classes, workshops and trainings) you find of interest that fellow members may also find interesting for our monthly E-Newsletter.
Please send your submissions following the guidelines below to
- Newsworthy items for the next E-news issue are due by the 25th of the preceding month
- Please submit your announcements in the body of your email or as an attached document, maximum 150 words. We are very strict about the word limit, and your submission will be sent back if it is longer.
- PDFs are non-transferable. Do not send your submission as a PDF; it will be returned.
- One high-quality horizontal image file (not PDF) can be included in the announcement.
- Newsletter submissions, if accepted, will be included for one-month duration.
- Non ISMETA-sponsored classes, workshops and trainings will not be included, but can go into the Events Calendar, which is linked in every Newsletter
Please send your submissions and any questions to
Thank you for your support and interest!