
ISMETA Government Relations Tracking Legislative Action

What is happening in your part of the world ? ISMETA is here to join forces to support your right to practice. We attend to and collaborate on many aspects of Government Relations that support our emerging profession please let us know if you have a concern or something to celebrate !

March 2023

ISMETA, in collaboration with the Federation of Therapeutic Massage, Bodywork and Somatic Practice Organizations met with the Massachusetts Attorney Generals Office to articulate our Legislative position on state bills to regulate Alternative Healing Therapies. Our opposition was recorded. We continue to monitor Massachusetts.

February 2023

ISMETA is currently working with the Federation of Therapeutic Massage, Bodywork and Somatic Practice Organizations advocating in Massachusetts to prevent the resurgence of the senate and house bills that were designed to Regulate Alternative Healing Therapies. We are in contact with the Attorney General and if they move ahead we will be contacting members in Massachusetts to again write letters and attend public hearings. So far we have been successful in our efforts in Massachusetts. See below:


Thanks to efforts by ISMETA Massachusetts members, the ISMETA Government Relations Committee, members of the Federation of Therapeutic Massage, Bodywork, and Somatic Practice Organizations, and other stakeholders in Massachusetts; Senate Bill 221 and House Bill 350 to regulate Bodywork and Alternative Therapies, have both gone to a study group. ISMETA has been working since 2018 to oppose prior versions of these bills as well.

ISMETA applauds our local MA members who joined our Call to Action and for writing and calling their legislators, showing up to live hearings in 2019 and to online hearings in 2020. Thanks to their efforts and voices, letting their legislators know the detrimental impact these bills would have on their professions and businesses, we can all breathe a sigh of relief.

In another part of the USA, since 2019, ISMETA has been active on a subcommittee of stakeholders in Minnesota participating in making sure the new massage therapy licensing bill includes proper exemption language to protect our rights to practice in MN. As of March 2022, we are pleased with the bill language of SF1074 in MN, which recently was moved from the Health Committee to the Civil Law Committee. Again, local ISMETA members have been key support in ensuring our professions remain protected in this bill. The ISMETA Government Relations Consultant is also currently tracking activity with licensing laws in Iowa, Colorado, Tennessee, Kansas, Utah, and Ohio. Stay tuned!

What is happening in your part of the world ? ISMETA is here to join forces to support your right to practice. We attend to and collaborate on many aspects that support our emerging profession. We have sessions planned during our upcoming conference to share what has worked in one part of the world that could help your region Grow the Field of Somatic Movement Education and Therapy. Please consider joining the conversation.

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